
Mortgage Interest Rates in Poland

Update: 09.02.2023

There are two types of interest rate products that banks offer in Poland:

  • variable/tracker rates
  • 5, 7 and 10 year fixed rates

Variable/ Tracker rate mortgage

This is the most popular interest rate product in Poland. A tracker rate moves automatically in line with the Warsaw Inter Bank Offering Rate (WIBOR).

The mortgage interest rate is a combination of two things: WIBOR + bank’s margin

Different banks offer a different margin. It also depends on a deposit, a loan amount etc. A margin is fixed and is set independently by the bank. When the WIBOR goes down, the mortgage interest rate immediately falls by the same amount and vice versa when the rate rises.

At time of writing, the WIBOR is 6.94% and banks offer margin between 1.30% and 3.35% so current mortgage interest rates in Poland are between 8.24% and 10.29%

To compare mortgages accurately it's important that you take into account all fees and charges rather than looking at just the headline interest rate. Find out more here: Mortgage in Poland - basic fees and charges.

Fixed Rates

A fixed rate is a set rate of interest for a set period of time. Fixed rates in Poland are available for 5, 7 and 10 years. Once that period ends, a bank propose a new rate for the next period or the rate reverts to variable (WIBOR + margin).

At time of writing, banks in Poland offer 5 year fixed rates between 7.29% and 9.30%


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